Continuing Education for General Contractors Courses
NC General Contractors are required to complete 8 hours of continuing education in order to renew their license. We will be providing CE courses from August – November., throughout Haywood and Jackson Counties.
There will be a 2-hour mandatory course along with 6 hours of elective courses required each year.
We will offer a variety of topics for the elective courses, all of which will be NC Builder Institute (NCBI) courses.
Background Information
North Carolina General Statute 87-10.2 states that NC licensed general contractors are required to complete continuing education (CE) beginning with 2021 license renewals.
Eight hours of CE must be completed in order to renew a license by at least one qualifier for licensees in the license classifications of Building, Residential and Unclassified.
For the Unclassified license, it shall be the qualifier who has passed the Building examination.
The 8-hour course requirement includes a mandatory 2-hour course with information about changes in the laws and rules and other content applicable to general contracting.
The remaining 6 hours will be divided into two- and four-hour elective courses.

The Smoky Mountain Home Builders Association is a North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors (NCLBGC) Provider. This allows us to offer the North Carolina Builder Institute approved courses.
General Statute 87-10.2 states that North Carolina licensed general contractors will be required to complete continuing education (CE) beginning with 2021 license renewals.
Smoky Mountain Home Builders Association will not be holding classes for 2022. Continuing education for general contractors.
Find opportunities to improve your skills, advance your career and network with your industry peers, by accessing: Online Courses, Free Webinars, Education Library, through your National Association of Home Builders
Register for Continuing Education Classes at the following location below:
Builders Institute– Virtual Classes available along with In Person Classes
Blue Ridge Community College – In Person Classes
Tri County Community College – In Person Classes